Tech startup - Fitness & wellness brand

Role: Lead UI/ UX Designer

I spearheaded a visual redesign for a user-centred, mobile responsive site to assist the business in offering outdoor & online group classes & its end-users in finding those & booking within a few clicks.

I designed online content across various social media campaigns & business decks; & worked closely under BUA’s CEO.
BUA Fit celebrated its one-millionth engagement on its platform in 2021, which increased by 233% in just over six months from its previous year’s total of 300,000

Bua Fit


Discover Better Health Through Innovative Fitness Programs.
Bua Fit offers a wide range of fitness offerings to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. 



Participate in energetic outdoor bootcamps and yoga sessions in beautiful natural settings, or join our online community for on-demand workouts and live-streamed classes accessible from the comfort of your home.



Expert instructors lead dynamic classes to improve your strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness. Track your progress, connect with others, and have fun getting fit. Whether outdoors or online, our diverse fitness programs will empower you to boost energy, reduce stress, and live a healthier, happier life. 


London, UK


Email: eugenestickney@gmail.com

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